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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Are You Exercising Enough To Make A Difference?

I am realizing more every day the importance of combining aerobic and weight resistance exercise to combat type 2 Diabetes. I don't want to sound like a broken record, however there is a good deal of evidence supporting both aerobic and weight resistance exercise at least 4 or 5 times per week. If your body is up to it, I would insert the word INTENSE into the weight resistance side of the equation. By intense, I do NOT mean using HEAVY weights. I mean doing some of your routines to short term exhaustion as in I can't do one more push up or one more squat.

LINK To NY Times Article Supporting Data Above


Exercise: For Type 2 Diabetes, 2 Types of Training

People with type 2 diabetes can significantly lower their blood sugar with an exercise program that combines aerobics and weight lifting, a study reports.
While that regimen is already recommended for Type 2 diabetes, researchers say the study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, offers some of the best evidence to date that a combined program offers greater benefits than aerobics or weight lifting alone.
“We can now look at individuals with diabetes right in the face and tell them, ‘This is the best exercise prescription for you,’ ” said the lead author, Dr. Timothy S. Church, director of preventive medicine research at Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University.
The study randomly divided 262 inactive people with Type 2 diabetes into four groups — 73 assigned to resistance training three days a week, 72 to aerobic exercise, 76 to the combination and 41 to a non-exercise comparison group. The study was notable in that almost half the participants were not white, and 63 percent were women. After nine months, participants who did the combination training lowered their blood level of the glucose marker HbA1c to 7.3 percent from 7.7 percent, on average, a drop that corresponds to a significantly reduced risk of heart disease, Dr. Church said.

LINK to weight resistance/aerobic training and improving insulin receptors


Examples Of Insulin

Name of Insulin Start Activity Highest Activity Ends Activity Low BS
Very short-acting (Humalog) 10 minutes 1.5 hours 3 hours 2-4 hours
Short-acting (Regular/-R) 20 minutes 3-4 hours 8 hours 3-7 hours
Intermediate acting (Nor L) 1.5-2 hours 4-15 hours 22-24 hours 6-13 hours
Long-acting (Ultra Lente) 4 hours 10-24 hours 36 hours 12-28 hours
Combination: 70% N/30% R 0-1 hour 3-13 hours 12-20 hours 3-12 hours
Combination: 50% N/50% R 0-1 hour 3-12 hours 12-20 hours 3-12 hours
  • Humalog was administered about 15 minutes before an appropriate meal
  • Regular Type-R was administered 30 minutes before an appropriate meal
  • Low BS = Low blood sugar (Glucose).
Note: This is an excerpt from an Author L. Rea article.

An insulin response ensues after a meal has been consumed. An excessive insulin response causes fat to accumulate within cells, and, over time, those who frequently experience such responses can become overweight and their cells may develop a resistance to insulin (diabetes).
Weight loss through daily aerobic and weight-training can help to rectify this situation, depending on the type of diabetes they have. One may be fortunate to escape diabetes, but they will likely become overweight with continual, excessive insulin responses.
Therefore, it is important to exercise to help offset any potential blood sugar problems. Blood-insulin levels begin to decrease within ten minutes of aerobic training and continue to decrease as the session progresses. Weight training has been shown to increase insulin receptors.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." - Eccliastes 9:10

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