ESTIMATED GLOBAL statistics are for the year 2000 171 million people globally had diabetes with greatest increases coming in Type 2 diabetes.
Estimates globally for 2030 is that diabetes will have reached 366 million people around the world and that means it will MORE than double in the next 19 years.
We have already spent billions of dollars in research and I have personally known quite a few people who made the progression from following the ADA diet, starting out on one or two prescription drugs and are now on insulin pumps, and YES there current numbers are in line with ADA standards. Just having your numbers in line or being in "Good Control" is not going to cut it for the long haul.
The real problem with that scenario is that they are on a road to total destruction and possible amputations, diabetic neuropathy and possibly even death from complications of diabetes all while following the classic pattern of progression set up by their personal doctor or the ADA in general.
My observation is that whatever we (as a nation) are doing about diabetes is NOT working. My study and research and statistics I have found point out that for the most part it is a behavioural disease. Since the FDA and the ADA for some reason do not seem interested in treating Type 2 Diabetes on a "CELLULAR LEVEL", AND GETTING TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTER SO TO SPEAK, the future seems bleak to those who settle for the status quo.
In reading books such as, "Death To Diabetes" by DeWayne McCulley, and seeing how he personally went from being in a diabetic coma with a blood sugar reading of 1337 and facing double amputation of his legs, to someone now leading a NORMAL life without drugs, or insulin is something that at least a PORTION of diabetes research dollars should be spent on. However one has to wonder since there is no perpetuation of the FDA drug promoting policy and NO money to be made from natural simple cures, the research is stagnant in that arena.
The chances that the ADA and FDA are going to start tomorrow investigating the dangers of carbonated soft drinks, the PH factor, the dangers of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, the hypocrisy of allowing high fructose corn syrup in the diet of anyone, especially type 2 diabetics, seem to me "Slim and None".
That leaves you with the choice of making lifestyle changes that are proven and based on science and going after Type 2 Diabetes at the cellular level (vs.) more and more drugs, and then insulin pumps etc. with NO apparent or real change in one's lifestyle, and holding out for the Magic Bullet or wonder drug or cure.
As for myself, I think that our food should be our medicine and our medicine be our food.Today it seems the medical profession wants our medicine to be our food (I.E. never mind your diet and exercise - just take one of these in the AM and one in the PM and you will be all right) I think we should all be improving our eating habits and we should all be exercising and putting pressure on the FDA and the ADA to see where the research dollars are going and why no one is paying any attention to looking for natural cures at the cellular level.
(Matthew 14:14 NKJV) And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food
That quote by Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine" is sound advice.
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