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Sunday, August 21, 2011

More Insight On Cause and Cure Of type 2 Diabetes

Here is some historical insight on type 2 diabetes and some provocative insightful reasoning on the cause which in itself leads the way towards the cure.

The two real culprits in this insane epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes appear to  be the ingestion of two items in our diet.

  •  Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils
  •  High Fructose Corn Syrup
Lets look at a brief history of CRISCO introduced in 1911. Back in 1911 was a time in our history when wives stayed home and generally cooked with lard and real butter. Through the genius of advertising, CRISCO was introduced as a healthier alternative for cooking. The MYTH has prevailed to this day, except now margarine has replaced butter, and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils have replaced what we now know were the good fats. The process of hydrogenation was introduced by a German chemist named E.C Kayser in 1907. Crisco made their case with advertising that survived until April 25, 2001 when CRISCO went on the auction block

Crisco was originally called "KRISPO" however Proctor and Gamble was forced to look for another name because of patent problems, so they then tried the name CRYST and also had to abandon that name because of religious connotations.

Link to History of CRISCO


Crisco was introduced to the public in 1911. It was an era when wives stayed home and cooked with plenty of butter and lard. The challenge for Crisco was to convince the stay-at-home housewife about the merits of this imitation food. P&G’s first ad campaign introduced the all-vegetable shortening as “a healthier alternative to cooking with animal fats. . . and more economical than butter.” With one sentence, P&G had taken on its two closest competitors—lard and butter.  

Two images from a 1912 advertisement for Crisco in the Ladies Home Journal.

P&G’s next step was a stroke of genius—they published and gave away a cookbook. The Story of Crisco2 looked like most other cookbooks of the era, but there was a difference. All of its 615 recipes, everything from lobster bisque to  pound cake, contained—you guessed it—Crisco.  

The Story of Crisco is recognized as a classic in the subtle art of persuasion. Its language and contextual variety are “representative of the pre-WWI social milieu and reflect the urbanization, domestication, commercialization, education (or lack thereof) and simple sophistication of the times.”3 Crisco is presented as healthier, more digestible, cleaner, more economical, more enlightened and more modern than lard. Women who use Crisco are portrayed as good wives and mothers, their houses are free of strong cooking odors and their children grow up with good characters (because, according to the tortured logic of P&G’s advertising department, Crisco is easier to digest).  
P&G also had the brilliant idea of presenting Crisco to the Jewish housewife as a kosher food, one that behaved like butter but could be used with meats. Because it made kosher cooking easier, Jews adopted Crisco and margarine—imitation lard and imitation butter—more quickly than other groups, with unforeseen consequences.  
I remember switching from lard to Crisco to make pie crust when I was a teenager. We always used lard from the farm, but sometime in the 1960s, Mom innocently brought home our first can of Crisco. We started to use it liberally. That was the overt addition to the diet. What we didn’t know was that Crisco and its cousins were being covertly added to countless food items.  

Two images from The Story of Crisco, 1913. On the left, a young woman holds a can of Crisco and an older woman a copy of the cookbook. On the right, a can of Crisco is set on the ground by the campfire.

We also didn’t know that the partially hydrogenated oils in Crisco—the trans fatty acids—were bad for us. In fairness to P&G, they didn’t know this either, not at first. But when reports of problems began to appear—problems like increased heart disease, increased cancer, growth problems, learning disorders and infertility—P&G worked behind the scenes to cover them up. One scientist who worked for P&G, Dr. Fred Mattson, can be credited with presenting the US government’s inconclusive Lipid Research Clinics Trials to the public as proof that animal fats caused heart disease. He was also one of the baleful influences that persuaded the American Heart Association to preach the phony gospel of the Lipid Hypothesis. The truth about the dangers of trans fatty acids in foods like Crisco is finally emerging. Perhaps that is why P&G decided to put their flagship product up for sale.


1n 1957 margarine began to outsell butter for the first time

LINK to Diseases and Death Caused By Hydrogenated Oils


Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids are silent killers

Research studies show conclusively these deadly oils cause non-insulin dependent type II diabetes, or hyperinsulinemia. This is a disease which can eventually burn out the pancreas and cause insulin dependent diabetes. These changed molecular oils dramatically increase the risk of coronary heart disease, breast cancer, other types of cancers and auto immune diseases. Over 100 research studies show how harmful these oils are to the human body. However, these findings have been largely ignored by the mass media and the FDA. In addition, the Commercial Edible Food Industry has suppressed these research findings for sometime. Why? Money and lots of it! Food processing companies and the companies that own the patents on this process would lose billions of dollars if they had to change their method of food production of hydrogenating oils. The main reason oils are hydrogenated is that the hydrogenation of the oils act as a preservative. This leads to increased shelf life of products and less returns or spoilage of products. But at what cost is it to the human body?

Why the body needs essential fatty acids

Mother nature dictates very simply the proper nutrients the human body needs for proper functioning. Through thousands of years of genetic evolution to our environment, the body has changed in how it absorbs, metabolizes and utilizes nutrients obtained from natural foods. Essential fatty acids are very important nutrients the body needs for many reasons. Dr. Joanna Budwig, a West German biochemist was the first to shed light on the role of essential fatty acids. She has been nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in medicine and is recognized as the world's leading authority on fats and oils. (There is a post on my BLOG of how to make the Budwig Mixture with cottage cheese and flax seed oil)
Essential fatty acids are the building blocks of fats. They play important roles within the human body by affecting almost every major organ, cell membrane production and immune system function. Natural occurring essential fatty acids have an electrical weight that changes the fluidity of cell membranes. This is very important on how healthy immune cells develop. When oils are transformed by the hydrogenation process, this electrical weight is changed in essential fatty acids. This affects the fluidity which causes cell membranes to "stiffen". Flaxseed oil is the best vegetable source of these natural occurring essential fatty acids. There are three important essential fatty acids needed by the human body. They are linoleic (omega-6 type), linoleic acid N (omega-4 type) and alpha-linolenic N (omega-3 type). There are 50 other various essential nutrients the body needs to function properly to produce good health.


I claim absolutely ZERO first hand knowledge of what is posted here, except the history and the studies cited herein make a lot of sense to a student like myself. I have a vested interest in this study as I am a Type 2 Diabetic however I do NOT WANT TO REMAIN ONE and I do not want to see anyone else added to the growing list of type 2 diabetics.

There seems to be insurmountable evidence that hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup are the cause of many of the diseases that affect man kind, including but not limited to Type 2 Diabetes. There is that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ factor involved and it is not likely to change in the near future. What then can one individual do?

  • He or she can stop buying and ingesting ANY and ALL products that contain (high fructose corn syrup) and (hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils). / most breads, practically all baked goods, pies, cakes, puddings, donuts etc.
  • He or she can replace those oils with flax seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, fish oil, krill oil etc.
  • He or she can begin today READING LABELS on everything and in general avoiding most packaged foods and any and all snack foods such as potato chips, pretzels and the hundreds of other foods like corn chips etc. They are full of salt, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, preservatives, additives that are likely not very digestible and add nothing of nutritional value to your diet.
  • He or she can begin to eat a wide variety of green leafy vegetable and multi-colored vegetables
  • He or she could invest the savings from NO more snack foods and buy a Vita Mixer to make green smoothies and fruit smoothies
  • He or she could purpose in their hearts starting today to ride a bike, and walk or run, lift weights, do push ups, do core body strengthening exercises at least 4 times a week
  • He or she could stop buying carbonated soft drinks as they destroy the body's PH and interfere with your interstitial fluid that surrounds your cells and makes your body's cells insulin resistant.

See! I Will Not Forget You.
I Have Carved You on the
Palm of My Hand.

(Isaiah 49:15)

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