CANCER - In the news recently is the fact that Pepsi contains carcinogens in the Carmel coloring .
Carcinogen found in Pepsi products, Coke passes test
TAGS: Pepsi | Carcinogen | Carcinogen in Pepsi | Coca Cola | FDA | California | 4-methylimidazole | Center for Environmental Health | Coke | American Beverage Association

An environmental group found that the caramel coloring used in Pepsi contains a carcinogen.
An environmental group said on Thursday that the caramel coloring used in Pepsi still contains a worrisome level of a carcinogen, even after the drink maker said it would change its formula.
In March, PepsiCo Inc. and Coca-Cola Co. both said they would adjust their formulas nationally after California passed a law mandating drinks containing a certain level of carcinogens come with a cancer warning label. The changes were made for drinks sold in California when the law passed.
The chemical is 4-methylimidazole, or 4-Mel, which can form during the cooking process and, as a result, may be found in trace amounts in many foods.
Watchdog group The Center for Environmental Health found via testing that while Coke products no longer test positive for the chemical, Pepsi products sold outside of California still do.
Pepsi said its caramel coloring suppliers are changing their manufacturing process to cut the amount of 4-Mel in its caramel. That process is complete in California and will be finished in February 2014 in the rest of the country. Pepsi said it will also be taken out globally, but did not indicate a timeline.
Meanwhile, the company said the FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world consider Pepsi's caramel coloring safe.
Coca-Cola said it has transitioned to using a modified caramel in US markets beyond California that does not contain Mel-4, so it wouldn't have to have separate inventory of products for different locations. It also said all of its products, whether they have the modified caramel or not, are safe.
The watchdog group Center for Environmental Health said it commissioned Eurofins Analystical laboratory in Metairie, La., to test Coke and Pepsi products from California in May and from across the country in June.
The lab did not find the chemical in California products.
And it found no 4-Mel in nine out of 10 Coke products outside of the state. But it found levels of 4-Mel that are 4 to 8 times higher than California safety levels in all 10 Pepsi products purchased outside California, according to the Center for Environmental Health.
Trace amounts of 4-Mel have not been linked to cancer in humans. The American Beverage Association said that California added the coloring to its list of carcinogens with no studies showing that it causes cancer in humans. It noted that the listing was based on a single study in lab mice and rats.
The Food and Drug Administration has also said that a consumer would have to drink more than 1,000 cans of soda a day to reach the doses administered that have shown links to cancer in rodents.
Coca-Cola and PepsiCo account for almost 90 percent of the soda market, according to industry tracker Beverage Digest.
Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/pepsi-carcinogen-carcinogen-in-pepsi-coca-cola-fda/1/286763.html
You had lots of reasons NOT to drink Pepsi or Coke or other colas whether diet or regular previously, however you now have one more. By the way, I for one am NOT impressed with the FDA indicating the amount of carcinogen in Pepsi is safe for humans. I suppose you could say the same for smoking cigarettes.
In other words the amount of carcinogen in one cigarette is not going to harm you. How many smokers do you know who only smoke one cigarette? I realize people only smoke them one at a time, however it is the repetition and the total volume that will do you in.
Here is another link on PH Factor and related causes of acid reflux:
ACID REFLUX? Beware of Bottles and Cans
Things are not always what they seem. If you have acid reflux, there probably is a nasty stomach enzyme, called PEPSIN, attached to your throat, esophagus (swallowing tube), and possibly even to your vocal cords, sinuses, and lungs. This powerful digestive enzyme is the actual cause of tissue damage, but the confusion in “acid” reflux comes from the fact that pepsin requires acid for its activation.
When there is no acid around, the pepsin just waits. But when you drink or eat something acidic, the pepsin springs back into action, and starts digesting your throat, esophagus, etc. That’s right, what you eat may be eating you. The biggest risk factor for reflux in our experience is soda pop, carbonated beverages.
If you have acid reflux, particularly if you have “airway reflux” or “silent reflux,” you should never drink these acid bombs. BTW, people with airway reflux have hoarseness, chronic cough, trouble with food getting stuck, choking episodes, shortness of breath, asthma, and sinusitis. AND you can have those symptoms from acid reflux without knowing it, because sometimes acid reflux occurs without indigestion or heartburn! This may be because it happens at night while you sleep of just in small amounts during the day. Silent reflux is often associated with breathing problems.
Carbonated beverages are bad for you for many reasons, but the acidity is the most damaging for many reflux sufferers. The pH scale is tricky, because lower numbers are more acidic. pH 7 is neutral, that is not acidic at all. Stomach acid is usually pH 1-4. Here’s a surprise though, pH 3 is ten times more acidic than pH 4, and pH 2 is ten times more acidic than pH 3. Thus, pH 2 is 100 times more acidic than pH 4 … and that’s the pH level of stomach acid. Coke and Pepsi (shown here) are pH 2.4-2.5
Today, almost every bottled and canned beverage today is acidic. That is the law !!??!! See The Missing Link post. Since 1973, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has mandated that acid be put in almost everything bottled and canned to kill bacteria and prolong shelf life.
“Unintended consequences” …. REALLY! This acid in all of our beverages is a big factor in the reflux epidemic. It is one of the biggest causes. We recommend that the acidity (pH) of everything be placed on the nutritional label in the future … like soon. Here are some beverages that you probably think are healthy. Guess again, all have a pH of 2.9, that is, less than three!
Incidentally, why do young people have acid reflux, too these days? The average 12-29-year-old drank 160 gallons of soft drinks last year; that’s almost a half-gallon a day!
And the “common beverage bad news” just keeps on coming; energy drinks like Gatorade are the same … acid, acid, acid. If you have reflux, you are going to have to think about what you drink. The nutritional label will tell you if there is acid inside . Look for ascorbic, acetic, and citric acids; those are the big three. For some alternatives, see Water Water Everywhere But Nothing Left to Drink. BTW, we drink alkaline water. Good Luck!
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