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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

35 Grams of Fiber Daily For Health

If you are a type 2 diabetic and overweight, consuming way too many refined carbs, too much refined sugar, starch and empty calorie foods, it is NOT too late to change. I have been reading lately about some pretty dramatic results in your blood lipid profile readings, A1C reading etc. by working your way up to 35 grams of fiber per day. This requires that you also increase your water intake. I am not talking total liquid intake which for many diabetic might include carbonated colas (Pepsi and Coke etc.), carbonated energy drinks, fruit juices etc.

My advice is to get totally OFF all carbonated sodas, artificially flavored carbonated drinks, so called energy drinks and any and all processed fruit juices. WATER should be your main beverage.

Your fiber sources can be black beans, kidney beans, peas,, carrots, oatmeal, GROUND FLAX SEED, oat bran, fresh fruits and veggies. If you have a Vita Mixer, I would recommend this over a juicer. In most juicers you throw away the flesh of the fruit and the fiber and pulp and only drink the concentrated juice which is too high in sugar.


Here is a LINK on why most adults should be getting 35 grams of fiber a day instead of the average 8 to 12 grams of fiber we are getting:



So you want to lose weight and improve your health, and you know that eating plenty of high-fiber foods can help you do both—but where do you start? What a lot of people don’t realize is that high-fiber foods are not just all about bran and broccoli. In fact, high-fiber foods can be just as delicious as they are good for you, which means you don’t have to give up great taste just because you want to get healthy. Don’t believe it? Just check out the list of high-fiber foods below and see for yourself!
  • Acorn Squash (½ cup): 4.5g fiber
  • Almonds (1 oz.): 4g fiber
  • Apple (medium): 5g fiber
  • Black Beans (½ cup): 7.5g fiber
  • Blackberries (½ cup): 5g fiber
  • Brown Rice (½ cup): 4g fiber
  • Chickpeas (½ cup): 7g fiber
  • Edamame/soybeans (½ cup): 4g fiber
  • Grapefruit (½): 6g fiber
  • Lentils (1 cup): 16g fiber
  • Oats/Oatmeal (½ cup): 8-11g fiber
  • Orange (medium): 7g fiber
  • Peanut Butter (2 tbsp.) 2g fiber
  • Pear (medium): 4g fiber
  • Raspberries (1 cup): 8g fiber
  • Sweet Potato (medium): 4g fiber
  • Walnuts (1 cup): 7g fiber
  • Wheat Bread (1 slice): 2g fiber
  • Wheat Pasta (1 cup): 4g fiber


Buying Flax Seeds: Selection

Both brown and golden varieties of flax seeds are becoming easier to find, especially in health food stores. If you can't find them near you, try the links here: Where to Find Flax Seeds. The two varieties have similar nutrient composition. They are sold both in bulk and in packages.

Flax Seeds vs. Flax Seed Meal Whole flax seed stays fresh for up to a year if stored correctly. However, they will go rancid more quickly after being ground up into meal. For this reason, many people choose to buy whole flax seed and grind it into meal themselves (this takes seconds in a blender or coffee grinder). The meal can be purchased, but follow these guidelines:
  • Purchase from a source where you’re sure there is rapid turnover.
  • Ideally the meal should be refrigerated at the store.
  • The bag should be opaque, as light will accelerate the meal going rancid.
  • Vacuum-packed packaging is the best, because it prevents the meal from having contact with oxygen before opening.
If you question how long the flax meal has been on the shelves or how it has been stored, it is recommended that you purchase whole flax seed and grind it yourself. It’s also less expensive this way. Any time you taste flax meal that is at all bitter, throw it away. It should be mildly nutty tasting, and not at all harsh.

Flax Seed Storage

Whole flax seed should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place. Many people choose to store it in the refrigerator or freezer to be on the safe side. Flax meal should be stored in the freezer and used up within a few weeks.

Tips for Using Flax Seed

  • Drink plenty of water. There is so much soluble fiber in flax that it is important to drink plenty of water when eating flax products, otherwise constipation may result.

  • Remember to start slowly if you aren’t used to a high-fiber diet.

  • If you purchase the whole seeds, you need to grind them up to get the benefit.

  • Flax is often used as an egg substitute in baked goods for people who can’t or choose not to eat eggs. This is because of the soluble fiber, which adds structure to the food.
LASTLY a great source for ground flax seed to bake with, use on your morning oatmeal, put in your whey protein shake and smoothies etc. (SEE LINK BELOW)

Flax seed was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC. In the 8th century, King Charlemagne believed so strongly in the health benefits of flax seed that he passed laws requiring his subjects to consume it. Now, thirteen centuries later, some experts say we have preliminary research to back up what Charlemagne suspected.

Although flax seed meal contains all sorts of healthy components, it owes its primary healthy reputation to three of them: omega-3 essential fatty acids, lignans and fiber. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are “good” fats that have been shown to have heart-healthy effects. Each tablespoon of ground flax seed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s. Lignans have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities. Flax seed contains 75 to 80 times more lignans than other plant foods. Flax seed Meal is high in dietary fiber containing both the soluble and insoluble types. It’s also a powerful natural cholesterol controller. Our Flax seed Meal is freshly milled to preserve the natural oils and nutrients.

Flaxseed meal can provide a nutritional punch to many baked goods. Add flax seed meal to bread, pancakes, muffins, bars, cookies and other recipes for extra nutrition and a nutty flavor. Replace oil or shortening in a recipe with ground flaxseed. Substitute flaxseed at a 3:1 ratio for best results. Use flax seed meal as an egg replacer in recipes for muffins, cakes, cookies, and pancakes. Use one tablespoon of flaxseed meal and 3 tablespoons of liquid to replace each egg called for in the recipe. Reduce the flour in a recipe by up to 25 percent and replace it with ground flaxseed. Find recipes and tips for flaxseed meal in our recipe collection.

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