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Monday, November 5, 2012

Another perspective and Link On Green Smoothies

I came across the following link and story in my research and thought you might want to read this and look into it. As i have stated repeatedly I think green smoothies go a LONG WAY to boosting any one's health. Even if you don't exercise as you should, you cheat once in a while and have a gooey, sugar laden desert, your still drink soda's etc. if you don't do anything else least drink green smoothies. After a while you will LOSE YOUR DESIRE FOR THOSE OTHER FOODS.


Jeremiah 17:14Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. (NIV)


Recently I finished reading the book Green for life, by Victoria Boutenko, M.A
I have seen her in a few DVD presentations, and heard her speaking in interviews on various shows.
Since reading her book I cannot speak more highly of this woman and her research.
Over the years of my own personal health research, I have come to the conclusion that fruit is the best breakfast anyone could start the day with. The past few years I have been religiously making myself smoothies or juices, and adding my super greens to them, for the best energy food I know.
When I first heard about the Boutenkos, I was excited. They claimed that their green smoothie revolution was a key to most health issues today.
I began using other greens, apart from the expensive Super greens powder I had been buying, and soon became a convert to the Green Smoothie way of life.
But reading her book has made me more aware than ever before of the importance of greens and the chronic lack of them in most people’s diet.
Let me share with you Victoria's Story, which she briefly explains in this book.
My husband, our two youngest children and I have been eating only raw foods since January of 1994, more than 11 yrs.
(the book was written in 2005)
We went on this radical diet out of complete despair when our medical doctors didn’t leave us any chances to recover from our horrible illnesses.
My husband, Igor, had been constantly ill since his early childhood. By the tender age of 17 he had already survived nine surgeries. Having progressive hyperthyroidism and chronic rheumatoid arthritis, at 38he was a total health wreck. I had to lace his shoes on rainy days because his arthritic spine would not bend. Igor’s heart rate was 140+ most of the time, his eyes were tearing on sunny days and his hands were shaky. Igor constantly felt fatigued and was in pain almost all the time. Igors thyroid doctor told him that he would die in less than two months if he would not agree to have his thyroid gland removed, His arthritis doctor told him to prepare to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
I was diagnosed with the same disease that took my father, arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat. My legs were constantly swollen from edema, I weighed 280 pounds and I was continually gaining more. My left arm frequently became numb at night and I was afraid that I would die and my children would become orphans. I remember always feeling tired and depressed.
Our daughter Valya was born with asthma and allergies and would often cough heavily all through the night. Our son Sergei was diagnosed with juvenile type 1 diabetes.
One day after crying through an entire night, I decided that we had to take different action if we wanted to get different results.
That was when we started to try various healing modalities and eventually arrived at the idea of becoming raw foodists. At the time we didn’t know anything about making fancy raw dishes or even that we could dehydrate flax crackers. Nevertheless by turning off the pilot in our stove and discontinuing all cooking, we were able to heal all our incurable, life-threatening diseases. Our health was improving so quickly that in three and a half months all four of us ran the Bolder Boulder10K road race 40,000 other runners.
Even Sergei’s blood sugar stabilized due to his new diet and regular jogging. Since beginning to eat raw food , he has never again experienced any form of diabetic symptoms. We were greatly surprised not only by how quickly our health was restored to normal, but by how much healthier we were than ever before. We have described the detailed story of our miraculous healing in our book Raw Family: A true Story of Awakening.
After several years of being raw foodists, however, each one of us began to feel like we had reached a plateau where our healing process stopped and even somewhat began to go backwards. After approximately seven years on a complete raw diet, once in a while, more and more often, we started feeling discontent with our existing food program. I began to have a heavy feeling in my stomach after eating any kind of raw food, especially a salad with dressing. Because of that, I started to eat less greens and more fruits and nuts. I began to gain weight. My husband started to develop a lot of gray hair. My family members felt confused about our diet and seemed often to have the question, what should we eat.
In my family we strongly believe that raw food is the only way to go and therefore encouraged one another to maintain our raw diet no matter what, always coming up with new tricks. Many of my friends told me about similar experiences at which point they gave up being 100% raw and began to add cooked food back in their meals. In my family we continued to stay on raw food due to our constant support of each other.
A burning question began to grow stronger in my heart with each day. The question was, Is there anything missing in our diet?” The answer would come right away: Nope. Nothing could be better than a raw foo

This is why she decided to chew her greens in a vitamix blender!
After much experimentation, she began to add fruit to the greens, and arrived at a very palatable, nutritious meal. Blended greens were by no means new to her, which she had learned about years before, but somehow she had completely forgotten about it all.
Just 1 month after drinking her daily green smoothie, two moles and a wart she had had from early childhood just peeled off her body! Her unhealthy cravings seem to just vanish.
She says ‘I noticed that many of the wrinkles on my face went away and I began to hear compliments from other people about my fresh look. My nails became stronger, my vision sharpened, and I had a wonderful taste in my mouth upon waking in the morning (pleasure I hadn’t had since youth) My tastes started to change. I discovered that my body was so starved for greens that for several weeks, I lived almost entirely on green smoothies. Now I knew that the human body can learn to crave greens!
After two months of green smoothies she started to notice her husband Igor’s moustache and beard started growing blacker!
She said the ‘woman from the office across the road got rid of her eczema by drinking a cup of green smoothie almost every day.d diet.

Yet, however tiny, the unwanted signs of less than perfect health kept surfacing in minor but noticeable symptoms, such as a wart on the hand, or a gray hair, that brought doubts and questions about the completeness of the raw food diet in its present form. Finally when my children complained about the increased sensitivity of their teeth, I reached a state where I couldn’t think about anything else besides this health puzzle.
After many wrong guesses, I finally found the correct answer.
I found one particular food group that matched ALL human nutritional needs: greens.
The truth is in my family, we were not eating enough greens. Moreover we did not like them. We knew that greens were important, but we never heard anywhere exactly how much greens we needed in our diet. We had only a vague recommendation to eat as much as possible. In order to find out how much greens we needed to eat, I decided to study the eating habits of chimpanzees since they are the closest creatures to human beings.

YouTube Video

We all know how good greens are for us, but to be honest; most of us couldn’t care less.
In Green for life Victoria Boutenko shows a chart with the
nutritional Comparison of Roots and Greens.
This I must say blew me away!

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