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Monday, September 9, 2013

Vitamin C Health Benefits - They Have Been There All Along

I recommend that anyone interested in the health benefits of Vitamin C, put the Vitamin C foundation on their favorites list. They are continuously researching the benefits of Vitamin C which keep growing every day. I became interested in this after quadruple by pass surgery, however the benefits of vitamin C go far beyond just reversing heart disease and unclogging existing clogged arteries (SEE their heart healthy formula).

It certainly goes far beyond making sure you get your 60 mg to prevent scurvy which is about as far as the mainstream medical community cares to look into it.

The link below gives information on Vitamin C and Alzheimer's, cataracts, brain and eye function, lower risk of diabetes, and possibly lower risk of stroke and MORE.

Here is another link to additional benefits you may not be aware of:


  1. Here is more information that is related to your Vitamin C blogs.

    God Bless You!

    1. Thanks for the comment and reading the blog. I wish I had known about this 10 years before my recent bypass surgery. I likely would NOT have needed it. Dan
