Here is an interesting link off the Vitamin C foundation website in that regard. (For more information on heart health and Vitamin C, see my previous links on this subject).
Here is a fair question: Why does the medical community at large (NOT EVERYONE), seemingly refuse to admit any longevity or heart healthy benefits from supplementation of natural ingredients like Vitamin C, L-Lysine, L-Proline, CoQ10, Pycnogenol, higher doses of vitamin D3, L-Arginine etc.?
Could it be the profit motive of the pharmaceutical community and the 30 billion plus dollars created each year by statin drugs etc.?

Americans with Highest Blood Levels of Vitamins C and E have Lowest Mortality Rates
This news, from a study at Columbia University, as reported by Bill Sardi's Knowledge of Health repeats the findings of earlier studies and thus provides strong evidence Linus Pauling was correct: Taking large amounts of Vitamin C and other antioxidants may extend life 20 to 30 years. (ref: How To Live Longer and Feel Better, 1986)For example, this 2003 study from the UK also measured blood levels of vitamin C ANTIOXIDANT VITAMINS AND MORTALITY IN OLDER PERSONS and had a similar remarkable finding.
RESULTS: Strong inverse relationship for blood ascorbate (vitamin C) concentrations with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality, which were only marginally reduced after adjustment for confounders or supplement use. Those in the lowest fifth (< 17 micromol/L) had the highest mortality, whereas those in the highest fifth (> 66 micromol/L) had a mortality risk nearly half that (hazard ratio = 0.54; 95% CI: 0.34, 0.84). Similar results were found after the exclusion of those subjects with cardiovascular disease or cancer at baseline (hazard ratio = 0.51; 0.28, 0.93). In fully adjusted models, there was no evidence for an influence of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin-E), beta-carotene, or retinol (vitamin-A) on total mortality. Dietary antioxidants measured by the food-frequency questionnaire were not associated with all-cause or cardiovascular disease mortality
What does this mean? For one thing, the only research finding that really matters is mortality. As Linus Pauling suggested, if you want to live longer and feel better, take vitamin C. Lots of vitamin C. Should you add large amounts of vitamin C daily to your diet, (Pauling recommended 6,000 to 18,000 mg), according to these and other consistent findings, you may cut your chance of dying in half. These amounts are not found in foods and require supplements.
A fair question then is: Why haven't these studies made national news? Especially in light to the hundreds of studies that drug companies have conducted on the statin cholesterol lowering drugs? No statin study has found a mortality benefit, (to our knowledge - as this would have made national news), much less any benefit that approaches the significant declined in the risk of death that all studies have found in people with high blood levels of vitamin C.

Last Update: Fri Aug 16 15:11:09 EDT 2013

Published on May 21, 2013
Dr. William Jacobs, Jr. has determined that vitamin C kills drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) bacteria in laboratory culture. The paper was published online May 21, 2013 in Nature Communications. Dr. Jacobs is professor of microbiology & immunology and of genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Jacobs is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. See accompanying release: Study Finds Vitamin C Can Kill Drug-Resistant TB and the Video:
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Vitamin C News Articles from Around the World
L-Carnitine Significantly Improves Patient Outcomes Following Heart Attack, Study SuggestsVitamins C (E and A) Can Stop Sight Loss in the Elderly (Aug 2013)
Vitamin C Helps with Stress (Aug 2013)
Smokers Breast Milk Has Less Vitamin C (Aug 2013)
Low Vitamin C Linked (again) to Asthma (Aug 2013)
Vitamin C Found to Increase the Effectiveness of Heart Drugs (Aug 2013)
High Vitamin C Dosage Outperforms Antibiotics (July 2013)
Apr. 11, 2013 . L-carnitine significantly improves cardiac health in patients after a heart attack, say a multicenter team of investigators in a study published today in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Their findings, based on analysis of key controlled trials, associate L-carnitine with significant reduction in death from all causes and a highly significant reduction in ventricular arrhythmias and anginal attacks following a heart attack, compared with placebo or control.
In an odd coincidence, only 3 days prior to the release of the real Mayo Clinic study about carnitine, a story with the opposite information about carnitine was released, per this article in the Huffinton post L-Carnitine, Nutrient In Red Meat, Linked With Heart Disease The first story was discussed by our forum at this topic
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