
Unclog Your Arteries Without Surgery |  |
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A man is as old as his arteries (Dr. Thomas Sydenham, 1680)
|  | Atherosclerosis: Progressive Buildup of Arterial Plaques |  |
OUR MISSION: To present to all who want the knowledge a natural, safe and dependable alternative through which individuals afflicted by atherosclerosis may avoid the need for surgery and/or risky drugs.
Atherosclerosis - a life-threatening disease that leads to a heart attack or stroke, has become a worldwide and difficult-to-control medical problem.
Because standard medicine does not know the exact reasons for the development of this terrible disease, it was officially pronounced "incurable."
There are many different, often conflicting medical theories of atherosclerosis formation, but NONE of them provides a way to successfully avoid or cure arteriosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD), except for surgery and/or widely prescribed medications that can just relieve the symptoms and prompt multiple side effects.
Pharmaceutical drugs, such as anticoagulants with known adverse effects, do NOT remove (dissolve) atherosclerotic blockages from the cardiovascular system. As blood-thinners often required to be taken for life, they only diminish blood clotting (coagulation of blood) to reduce the risk or prevent a heart attack or stroke from happening...
And the same applies to other drugs: anti-cholesterol (some medicines target HDL, most conventional drug treatments reduce levels of LDL cholesterol), aspirin, diuretics, nitroglycerin, beta blockers, etc. used by hundreds of millions of men and women around the world.
For years, heart specialists have cleared clogged arteries more or less the way plumbers fix clogged pipes: by replacing them with bypass surgery or snaking them out with balloon angioplasty.
Although quite an amazing piece of surgical revascularization, a bypass graft surgery for instance, in the vast majority of cases is a classic example of conventional medicine being too much, too late and not treating the cause of the problem.
Why is that?
By attempting to remove plaque from plugged arteries, standard medical methods focus only on reducing the effects of the plaque AFTER it has built up -- not on eliminating the factors which created the buildup in the first place (the cause).
Therefore, all medical approaches carry with them the same main shortcoming: removing obstructions from the diseased vessel walls and "restoring" impaired circulation does NOTHING to stop the underlying disease and its progression. As a result of this partial fix, in time new fatty narrowings or blockages occur in the arteries!
Not to mention the possible risks, the side effects and after effects, and the serious costs (in effort, time and money) the conventional treatments carry with them.
Obviously, standard medicine does "something" that most doctors know perfectly well is of limited help; but it is still being done maybe out of a sense of professional duty or out of desperate measures? Or maybe due to its powerlessness over this terrible disease that kills, in the U.S. alone, 800,000 Americans each year?
Atherosclerosis is also presented by conventional medicine as one of the inevitable symptoms of… aging. In other words, we are doomed to this dreadful disease as very little, if any, can be done about it.
Are we really so helpless when it comes to atherosclerosis?!
Existing evidence indicates - not absolutely but with a very high order of probability - that arterial cleansing CAN halt and reverse the atherosclerotic processes in the body.
As atherosclerotic plaque IS controllable, the only questionable are the strategies used to achieve that.
As all known and available strategies have their drawbacks, each of them should be treated equally. However, the natural measures as drug- and risk-free should be given priority - instead of being ridiculed, rejected or even attacked by the mainstream medical establishment.
Up to date, there have not been the outcome studies to document that arterial cleansing does not work. And what is more important, there has not been a single reported fatality due to arterial cleansing itself.
|  | Progression of Atherosclerosis: Endothelial Dysfunction |  |
Usually, atherosclerosis (ath"er-o-skleh-RO'sis) shows NO SYMPTOMS and may not be diagnosed serious - until the life-threatening complications occur (there are 60,000 miles - over 96,000 km - of arteries within the body).
The status of our cardiovascular health is regulated by endothelium covering the innermost lining (monolayer) of the entire vascular system. The endothelial cells control the elasticity - relaxation and tightening - of blood vessels (the more elastic the arteries, the better).
Endothelium has been postulated as the most important and biggest gland of the body. Its total weight is more than a liver and its mass equals to several hearts. If extended, it covers a various tennis courts surface area.
Although atherosclerosis can be triggered by many factors, they all relate to an injury to the arterial endothelium and/or underlying smooth-muscle cells and, therefore, to an inflammatory process initiated by this injury.
Unfortunately, this damage cannot be detected with commonly used tests. But impaired endothelium is a "canary in the coal mine," signaling atherosclerosis is likely to develop.
Abnormal Platelet Accumulation
When injured, endothelial cells trigger the blood platelet accumulation function at the site of injury in effort to protect and, eventually, heal (plug) the damaged areas.
If free radical damage to the endothelial cells continues, the "normal" blood platelet accumulation function becomes, at some point, abnormal and out of control - so to speak.
The sticking together platelets begin to secrete a growth factor that stimulates the outgrowth of underlaying endothelial cells which start to protrude into the arterial walls.
Through specific receptors, the outgrown endothelial cells ingest lipoprotein particles and accumulate cholesterol, triglycerides (triacylglycerols), macrophages and fatty streaks, transforming themselves into plaques - fat-engorged foam cells that represent "true" atherosclerosis
Fatty plaques, called atheromas keep on enlarging and tend to cover mainly the aorta and the coronary arteries serving the heart. Far worse, plaques can become unstable or vulnerable, triggering a sudden blood clot in the artery.
Finally, connective tissue penetrates the plaques which in advanced situations can become calcified and, consequently, add rigidity leading to the arterial blockage(occlusion).
A disturbance of endothelial function and subsequent dysfunction of the endothelium, resulting in loss or reduction of its capacity of defense against proatherogenic factors plays central role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque; therefore, it is considered as a key event in the development of atherosclerosis (Toborek M, Kaiser S.(1999) Endothelial cell functions. Relationship to atherogenesis. Basic Res Cardiol 94:295–314).
Progressive Homeostatic Process
Atherosclerotic plaque formation then is an overly progressive homeostatic process in effort to correct and balance the condition triggered by the injury of the arterial endothelium leading to its subsequent dysfunction.
As this process occurs as long as there is a presence of platelet accumulation function, the main goal of all treatments of atherosclerosis should be to:
- protect the arterial walls (endothelial cells) against free-radical attack; therefore,
- prevent the endothelial injury leading to an abnormal blood platelet accumulation leading to formation of plaques.
And this is the total opposite to standard medical methods of treating atherosclerosis that focus:
- on reducing the effects of the plaque after it has built up --
- not on eliminating the factors which created the buildup in the the first place.
Endothelial Function Assessment
As a disturbance of endothelial function is considered as a key event in the development of atherosclerosis, reliable assessments of endothelial function appear highly desirable. One of the non-invasive techniques used to evaluate the vasomotor response to physical and/or pharmacological stimuli of the endothelium is flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) - when blood flow increases through a vessel, the vessel dilates.
Although not perfect, this technique is often used as a surrogate of endothelial health. It helps to detect changes in superficial arteries (e.g. brachial, radial or femoral), allowing the measurement of vascular diameter changes, blood flow and blood flow velocity. (The terms "velocity" and "flow" can sometimes be confused and thought of as being interchangeable, but they are not.)
It is being done by stopping blood flow, for example, to the lower arm with a blood pressure cuff, releasing it, and measuring the blood vessel diameter of an artery with high resolution ultrasonography.
|  | Endothelial Dysfunction: Oxidative Free Radical-Induced Damage |  |
Our cardiovascular system is highly susceptible to so-called free radical damage caused by free radicals - harmful, oxidative agents that initiate the endothelial dysfunction leading to endothelial injury and, subsequently, to arterial plaque formation.
Free (unbound) radicals, also called reactive oxygen species (ROS), are highly chemically reactive towards other substances, or even towards themselves. An over-abundance of these highly unstable molecular fragments - both of internal and external origin is
- known to cause oxidative stress and cell damage, and
- implicated in the progression of many degenerative diseases, one of them being atherosclerosis.
Free radicals, however, do play an important role in a number of biological processes and many of them are necessary for life, such as the intracellular killing of bacteria by phagocytic cells (granulocytes and macrophages).
The two most important oxygen-centered free radicals are superoxide and hydroxyl radical. They derive from molecular oxygen under reducing conditions. However, because of their reactivity, these same free radicals can participate in unwanted side reactions resulting in cell damage. Excessive amounts of these free radicals can lead to cell injury and death, which may contribute to many diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction (heart attack).
Free radicals are being constantly released in the body, whenever we are exposed to harmful, both dietary and environmental factors, such as
- excessive, prolonged daily stress (emotional and physical),
- air pollution (including indoor and urban air pollution),
- ozone depletion.
- cigarette smoke,
- alcohol,
- industrial chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.),
- radiation (including UV rays from the sun),
- processed foods,
- polyunsaturated oils (mainly vegetable oils) and rancid oils,
- food additives and preservatives,
- artificial food colourings,
- tap water,
- drugs of all kinds (recreational and prescription).
For example, air pollution's health risks due to vehicle exhaust, smoke, and industrial emissions in the air are still underestimated. It has been documented that ambient air pollution exposure, particularly in the countries where pollutant levels are highest, is a risk factor correlating with increased incidence total mortality from cardiovascular events, such as coronary stroke and ischemic stroke.
The more free radicals are created in the body, the more damage is done on the cellular level - to the bodily cells due to a multitude spark-like reactions. Viscious free hydroxyl radicals, for example, are a severe threat to our system as they heighten the inflammatory processes in the cells by attacking:
- cellular membranes and tissues in the body,
- our genetic material (mainly DNA),
- proteins and enzymes, and
- polyunsaturated fatty acids.
To make things worse, an extensive free radical damage generates other, even more destructive free radicals, creating a classical vicious cycle. Free radical-induced changes lead to mutations or even breakages, or injuries on the cellular level - such as endothelial injury - which, if not repaired, result in a variety of serious degenerative diseases, including atherosclerosis of arterial vessels.
Unfortunately, over the years, our exposure to free radicals in the everyday life has been steadily increasing. Their production has become excessive and uncontrolled, resulting in the reduced ability of our immune system to protect us from their damage.
In other words, most of the time, our natural ability of keeping them under control has been impaired - insuffcient or even absent.
However, in order to prevent further damage (and sustaine life), that cascade of unwanted, free radical-induced changes needs to be controlled and, eventually, halted. For this reason, the body has a number of mechanisms, such as the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase used to
- minimize free-radical-induced damage and
- repair damage that occurs.
In addition, antioxidants play a key role in these defense mechanisms, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin Eand polyphenol antioxidants (POH) found in virtually all plants. Antioxidants are known for their ability to scavenge (deactivate) free radicals and up-regulate certain metal chelation reactions in order to maintain healthy metabolic function.
Further, there is good evidence bilirubin and uric acid can act as antioxidants to help neutralize certain free radicals. Bilirubin comes from the breakdown of red blood cells' contents, while uric acid is a breakdown product of purines. Too much bilirubin though can lead to jaundice, which can damage the central nervous system, while too much uric acid will cause gout.
In other words, some free radicals generated must be neutralized and/or removed from the body. By and large, it can be done in two ways through:
- reducing our exposure to them (externally), and
- optimizing the activity of specific enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase), and by providing antioxidants and/or increasing their activity in the body (internally).
|  | Free-Radical Scavenging System: Antioxidant Protection |  |
Atherosclerosis can be successfully controlled and reversed only by getting to the root of the problem. By just pulling a dandelion out by its leaves, so to speak, we are not going to get very far...
Many studies have provided sufficient evidence documenting the essential role of antioxidants in the fundamental functions of the body, such as:
- growth,
- maintenance of health, and
- metabolism.
Antioxidants are essential for life as our protectors against free radical damage. Because of a close relation between free radical activity and protective function of antioxidants, it is said that atherosclerosis can be:
- caused by the absence or deficiency of antioxidants in the body,
- prevented by their regular presence in sufficient amounts, and
- reversed by their optimal or optimized supply through specific dieatary supplementation.
Existing research indicates, for example, that if enough antioxidant protection is available, the oxidation of cholesterol from free radicals can be prevented. In other words, an oxidized cholesterol won't become a risk factor contributing to the atheromatous plaque formation (Mol Cell Biochem 1992 111;41-7).
The later findings though - a meta-analysis of the antioxidant vitamins use for the prevention of cardiovascular disease - still strengthen the standard mandatory contention that diet supplements are no substitute for good eating habits, exercise, weight loss and smoking cessation as a means of minimizing the risk of heart disease (The Lancet, Vol. 361, 14 June 2003). Kudos to the cardiovascular treatment guidelines influenced by drug companies!
The body has a built-in, internal free-radical scavenging system, consisting of such powerful antioxidants as:
- bilirubin and uric acid (in aqueous solutions),
- an enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), activated by zinc, copper and manganese;
- catalase, an enzyme frequently used by cells to rapidly catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide - a harmful metabolic byproduct;
- glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme activated by selenium. (In addition to selenium, glutathione peroxidase requires the presence of other nutrients, such as L-glycine, L-cysteine, lipoic acid, methionine, and glutamic acid; deficiencies of these nutrients can reduce the activity of glutathione peroxidase); and
- glutathione reductase, an enzyme activated by riboflavin (vitamin B2) or thyroxin (T4), also an indicator for oxidative stress.
The increased risk of free radical-induced endothelial (arterial) injury can be strongly correlated with low overall nutritional status of the body, especially with insignificant amounts of antioxidant nutrients.
Vitamin C, for example, is an antioxidant of incredible importance here, especially because of its fundamental role in protecting the body against vicious free hydroxy radicals. It can also react effectively, in aqueous solutions such as blood, with free radical oxidants prior to their initiation of oxidative damage to lipids, especially to those within lipoproteins or cell membranes. Vitamin C simply provides a means to carry the antioxidized free radicals out of the body.
Vitamin E helps to remove lipid free radicals in order to prevent the alterations in membrane integrity, its potential and fluidity leading to possible membrane rupture and cell death.
Niacin interacts with other nutrients in order to regenerate their antioxidant properties.
Carotenoids (Beta-carotene, Lycopene, etc.) have the ability to react with and inactivate free-radical reactions, either in solution or in membrane systems.
Another, and the only approved by medical establishment way of supplementing the body with antioxidants is eating a diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods, such as dark orange, red and dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
By improving the nutritional status then, it is possible to control abnormal platelet accumulation, hence, atherosclerosis, that is
- prevent and reduce the incidence of endothelial injury,
- in case of injury, improve its recovery (by minimizing tissue damage and restoring its function),
- heal the endothelium and/or the underlying smooth-muscle cells, and
- stop the inflammatory process leading to atheromatous plaque formation.
Prevention and reduction of endothelial cell injury, or improvement of endothelial function appear to be most important in the process of controlling atherosclerosis.
In other words, by neutralizing and "mopping up" free radicals in the body, antioxidants play the key, crucial protective role in slowing down and - over a period of time - reversing the process of atheromatous plaque formation. As they are specifically interrelated, they must be constantly present in the body in significant amounts. This is especially important for those who have a family history of diabetes, heart disease and/or stroke.
Therefore, in light of existing studies, many official "standards" still need to be re-evaluated such as:
- Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and Daily Value (DV) of nutrients,
- the concept of prevention of diseases induced by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and
- the view of optimal levels of nutrients and their role in controlling degenerative diseases, such as atherosclerosis.
Fortunately, far less scepticism exists today in medical circles than several years ago when nutritional supplementation had been bluntly ridiculed by medical establishment.
Actually, back in 1998 an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine encouraged - for the first time! - the use of nutritional supplements to reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease.
Continuing research has proven the nutritional approach right; however, medical establishments still regard it as "controversial." That is another way of saying "not completely verified."
|  | Atherosclerosis: The Orthomolecular Approach |  |
According to orthomolecular nutrition, non-optimal levels of certain nutrients and substances can cause health issues beyond simple deficiency, so balancing them is an integral part of the maintenance of our health.
Orthomolecular nutrition is a complementary and alternative approach to maintaining health through optimal or optimized nutritional supplementation, as opposed to strictly dietary nutrition which is, generally, inadequate in maintaining the body's homeostasis (internal equilibrium).
The term ("orthomolecular") was coined by Linus Pauling to mean "the right molecules in the right amounts" (ortho is for "right" in Greek).
Often referred to as megavitamin therapy, the orthomolecular practice uses doses of vitamins and minerals many times higher than the standard recommended Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) - a system of nutrition recommendations from the American Institute of Medicine largely based - according to some experts - upon the very lowest rank in the quality of evidence pyramid.
However, orthomolecular practitioners may use a variety of other treatment modalities, including dietary restriction and/or mega-doses of non-vitamin nutrients.
Orthomolecular nutrition focuses on using the right nutritional molecules in the right amounts for the individual or for his/her particular health condition often related and/or caused by nutritional imbalances or deficiencies.
It should be noted that vitamins and nutrients are also used in mainstream medicine, for example, to treat dyslipidemia - an elevation of lipids in the blood (e.g. cholesterol and/or triglycerides).
The scientific and medical consensus, however, is that the broad claims of efficacy by advocates of orthomolecular nutrition are "not adequately tested as drug therapies."
On the other hand, medical research and studies - sometimes conflicting and leaving consumers confused - about the therapeutic use of nutrients have been published in mainstream sources; and vitamins and other nutrients are being used in conventional medicine as treatments for some diseases.
|  | Atherosclerosis: The Arterial Cleansing Method |  |
We have done our best to avoid most of the medical and non-medical mumbo jumbo that typically makes the explanation of alternative therapies confusing to most people; however, some special and technical terms here and there were unavoidable.
Arterial cleansing is aimed at reducing fatty plaques (atheromas) in the cardiovascular system, especially in the arteries. In accordance with orthomolecular nutrition, it involves taking large amounts of synergistic nutrients accompanied by necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.
When this specific mega-combination comes into contact with the bloodstream, it reaches the inflamed arteries which have been injured by oxidative free radicals. (These free radicals are present in excessive amounts in the body, mainly due to past or present dietary and lifestyle indiscretions.)
The primary purpose of this method is to initiate self-healing processes in the innermost part of arterial lining (endothelium). In this way, over a period of time the accumulated buildup of fatty plaques in damaged arteries begins gradually to cease.
Does It Work?!
People, who think that vitamins and anti-oxidants are not necessary and that nutrition is not important, state that arterial cleansing does not work. They just don't want to learn!
What about the results - not only heard about, but also seen and experienced by thousands of people?
The idea of arterial cleansing originated in the late 1970s in the United States. An American doctor, a chiropractor by training, came up with a concept of "oral chelation" and started using his own nutritional formula. Thanks to that formulation, a number of people with cardiovascular problems began experiencing an improvement in symptoms.
Since then, arterial cleansing has a history of success in addressing cardiovascular health problems, reversing the catastrophic effects of atherosclerosis in the heart, the lower extremities, and even in the brain. Its subsequent use by hundreds of thousands of people verifies the efficacy of this therapy. What is more important, there has not been a single reported fatality due to arterial cleansing itself.
Users of arterial cleansing have seen many conditions related to atherosclerosis improve. At present, excellent results have been reported with:
- coronary heart disease,
- heart attack,
- angina pectoris (chest pain),
- high blood pressure,
- intermittent claudication (leg pains due to impaired circulation),
- gangrene,
- penile arterial dysfunction (ED), even
- migraine and other vascular headaches.
As poor circulation due to atherosclerosis is involved in these conditions, arterial cleansing has consistently demonstrated a significant improvement of:
- systemic circulation as evidenced by positive changes in skin color and arterial pulsation/temperature in the feet,
- coronary circulation,
- brain function,
- vision,
- blood lipid levels, such as triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein (a) or Lp(a) for short
- homocysteine levels.
Most of people on arterial cleansing also report increased energy and improved tactile sense (sense of touch).
Therefore, those who state that arterial cleansing does not work should answer the following question: "How can you explain the results seen in multitudes of people over the years?"
Who Qualifies?
Arterial cleansing should be considered when there are signs of a decreased blood supply and/or a presence of arterial plaque. However, the efficacy of this method varies from person to person and, generally, is based upon three factors:
- the process of a particular condition,
- the degree of severity of that condition in the individual, and
- the participant's cooperation in completing the arterial cleansing.
The last factor - the cooperation of the participant - should not be taken lightly. An intensive therapeutic diet and nutritional schedule also need to be implemented, as well as a definite exercise program. A complete change in the lifestyle habits of the participant is expected as it makes the arterial cleansing program - the subsequent improvement in arterial circulation, complete.
What Is the Success Rate?
It is difficult to accurately predict the extent of this method's success in any specific case. Its efficacy depends on many factors, including an overall health status of a participant, pre-existing medical condition/s, the main organs'function, such as of the liver, kidneys and lungs. In our clinical experience,
- very good to excellent results occur in about 80 percent of participants,
- satisfactory to good improvement shows an additional 15 percent of participants,
- little or no evidence of improvement shows 5 percent of the cases.
As this is a self-help program, a participant's evaluation prior to the arterial cleansing is not always needed. However, most of those who decide to give this approach a serious try have had some kind of evaluation done by their physicians, i.e. cholesterol and triglyceride levels, plethysmography, Doppler ultrasound, EKG, cardiac output evaluation, etc.
The golden age bracket for arterial cleansing begins in the late thirties and extends into the eighties and nineties.Even the oldest participants - over ninety - can obtain good results.
However, arterial cleansing is most effective as a preventive measure. It should be realized that in a large percentage of cases - approximately 50 percent - the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is a fatal… heart attack. But this need not be, because atherosclerosis is both preventable and, in most cases, reversible.
As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. This is absolutely true in case of all degenerative diseases, including atherosclerosis.
Is It Safe?
The answer is an unequivocal "Yes!" And please note that all medical therapies always include some degree of risk. Just the opposite is true with nutritional supplements. They are safe and, generally, produce no side effects. However, if the initial intake of the Arterial Cleansing Formula is too high, it can cause in some participants certain discomfort, usually infrequent and transient, often due to a suboptimal liver and/or kidney function. This is minimal and hardly worth considering when compared to the catastrophic and death-dealing effects of doing nothing, and the consequent severe heart attacks or strokes which inevitably follow.
The Self-Healing Process
In the body, the self-healing process is a vital and constantly occurring function which plays a major role in the control of our everyday bodily functions, including the cardiovascular system. However, we must constantly fuel our body right, properly and effectively for it cannot run on empty for too long...
|  | Arterial Cleansing Formula: Time-Tested Orthomolecular Formulation |  |
The cornerstone of arterial cleansing - the nutritional approach to atherosclerosis is Arterial Cleansing Formula. It is a time-tested, orthomolecular formulation of selected nutrients that are
- natural and essential to the body,
- brought together in special balanced ratios and significant amounts,
- helping the body maximize their utilization and, therefore,
- correcting longer standing deficiencies and imbalances that are known to contribute to buildup of arterial plaque.
According orthomolecular nutrition, if the right building blocks (nutrients) are present in the body in the right amounts and at the right time the body will:
- protect the arteries against free radical damage (antioxidant properties),
- reduce the blood platelet aggregation (by increasing prostacyclin production),
- keep the blood slippery (but not thinner!) enough to have it flowing more freely and being less likely to clump up and form blood clots, causing a heart attack or stroke.
By supporting all the important links in the nutritional chain and supplying the body with ample amounts of free radical scavenging nutrients, Arterial Cleansing Formula demonstrates the ability to:
- prevent and reduce the arterial endothelial cell injury and
- improve the endothelial function.
Thanks to its high concentration of selected nutrients, Arterial Cleansing Formula attempts to remove plaque from plugged arteries and, therefore, reduce the effects of the plaque buildup by addressing the cause of the problem, that is by eliminating the factors which created the buildup in the first place.
Such a comprehensive, targeted nutrient-dense supplementation creates a detergent-like action in the circulatory system - enabling the body to wash the atherosclerotic artery-clogging deposits away. One of its mechanisms of action is to improve fibrinolysis - the body's processes of breaking down (dissolving) blood clots, thus preventing them from growing and becoming problematic.
In other words, the arterial cleansing process does not pull away "chunks of plaque" that could plug up the arteries further downstream! Thanks to the emulsifiers present in Arterial Cleansing Formula, such as choline and methionine, the plaques are kept in solution and then scrubbed away safely and gradually.
That is what sets the arterial cleansing apart from conventional, standard medical methods of treating atherosclerosis.
Arterial Cleansing Formula
Supplement Facts
Amount Per Serving of 5 Tablets
Vitamin A (Palmitate)
20,000 IU / 6,045 mcg
Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopherol)
325 IU / 217.75 mg
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
1,600 mg
Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate)
400 mg
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine Mononitrate)
100 mg
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)
25 mg
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)
75 mg
Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin)
125 mcg
Niacin (Nicotinic Acid)
25 mg
Vitamin B-3 (Niacinamide)
25 mg
Pantothenic Acid (d-Calcium Pantothenate)
250 mg
Folic Acid (Folate)
200 mcg
50 mcg
Choline (Bitartate)
362.5 mg
20 mg
120 mg
Magnesium (Oxide)
200 mg
Potassium (Chloride)
100 mg
Manganese (Gluconate)
2.5 mg
Zinc (Gluconate)
15 mg
Chromium (Proteinate)
100 mcg
Selenium (Proteinate)
125 mcg
L-Cysteine HCL
500 mg
Calcium (Carbonate)
200 mg
Betaine HCL
60 mg
Liver Concentrate
50 mg
Spleen Concentrate
50 mg
Thymus Concentrate
50 mg
Vitamin D3
325 IU
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Cellulose (Microcrystaline), Cellulose (Modified), Croscarmellose Sodium, Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate, Kelp, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Stearic Acid
Formulated without gluten (wheat), egg, dairy (milk), corn, crustacean shellfish, fish, nuts, peanuts, yeast, artificial colors, flavours, preservatives or sweeteners.
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