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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Olive Leaf Extract and Type 2 Diabetes

We have known about the benefits of extra virgin olive oil for a long time now. There is ongoing research taking place with OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT and its effect on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. This could prove to be very promising however the research is still on going. Before you rush out to try and purchase olive oil extract, you need to know that it should NOT be taken at the same time as your current diabetic medicines. Dangerously LOW BG levels could be the consequence.

I am posting a link here to more detailed information on the research being done:


"One key ingredient in olive leaves (particulary olea europaea L., are rich phenolic compounds including flavones, flavonuls, catechin, and substituted phenols). The most abundant polyphenol in olive leaves is oleuropein which accounts for approximately 20% of phenolic compounds in the olive leaf which has been shown to suppress insulin secretion in H2)2-exposed cells. Olive leaf phenolic compounds have been shown to have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties."

Please open the link above and read the full report as I am Unable to cut and paste anything from this site.


Here is another site with additional information on olive leaf extract:


Linda Tarr Kent is a reporter and editor with more than 20 years experience at Gannett Company Inc., The McClatchy Company, Sound Publishing Inc., Mach Publishing, MomFit The Movement and other companies. Her area of expertise is health and fitness. She is a Bosu fitness and stand-up paddle surfing instructor. Kent holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Washington State University.

Olive Leaf Extract & Diabetes
Photo Credit Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Olive leaf extract has a theoretical benefit for people with diabetes because it has blood-sugar lowering properties. However, taking it at the same time as your diabetes medicine may prove dangerous. Always consult a health-care professional before trying a new supplement -- especially if you have a health condition such as diabetes.


Whether olive leaf can be effectively used to treat diabetes in people remains far from clear, according to the American Pharmaceutical Association's "Practical Guide to Natural Medicines," by Andrea Peirce. Animal studies show that olive leaf extract can reduce blood-sugar levels in subjects with chemically induced diabetes. However, benefits found in animal studies don't always translate to benefits for people.

Antioxidant Factor

In addition to hypoglycemic, or blood-sugar lowering, effects, olive leaf extract may provide antioxidant action that benefits people with diabetes, according to a 2006 study on rabbits in "Life Sciences." Olive leaf's active constituent, oleuropein, may reduce oxidative stress associated with diabetes. This may help to prevent diabetic complications that oxidative stress plays a role in such as eye, kidney and nerve problems, note study authors H.F Al-Azzawie and M.S. Alhamdani. A 2009 study published in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" theorizes that the antidiabetic effect of oleuropein and a second substance found in olive, hydroxytyrosol, may be due to the antioxidant activity of these substances.


Oleuropein is highly bioavailable, meaning your body is able to absorb and use it well. It also appears to be absorbed rapidly after it is consumed, according to a 2010 scientific review published in "Scientia Pharmaceutica." Sometimes, substances that appear promising in laboratory studies are ineffective due to poor bioavailability.


If you are diabetic use olive leaf extract with care and only under your doctor's supervision. Using it along with diabetes drugs can raise your risk for hypoglycemia, meaning blood-sugar levels that fall too low. Using it with other herbs or supplements that lower blood-sugar can magnify effects. These include devil's claw, psyllium, ginseng and garlic. Olive leaf may irritate your stomach lining, so it always should be ingested along with food.

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