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Monday, August 26, 2013

Dr. Linus Pauling On Removing Plaque From Your Arteries Naturally

This is one of the more informative websites I have come across for explaining the cause and cure for plaque in your arteries and how to avoid heart disease. IF you are a diabetic and reading my BLOG, I hope you find this series of articles and sites valuable. I will keep my opinions to myself on this post and cut and paste the article in its entirety. I found this fascinating.



Clean Arteries – How to Remove Plaque from Arteries Naturally

How the Pauling Therapy Works in Removing Plaque from Arteries

Clogged Coronary Artery
Cross-section of Clogged Coronary Artery. Taken from
individual who died of massive heart attack.
Photo courtesy of

Heart Disease Supplement
Collagen Fibers Add Strength & Flexibility
to Your Blood Vessels.

Coronary Artery Disease : Why Plaque Builds Up in Arteries

Coronary Artery Disease
Proper nutrition allows body to produce enough collagen to keep coronary arteries healthy.
Coronary Artery Disease
Mechanical & oxidative stress cause damage to endothelium. Nutritional deficiency prevents collagen production to fix damage. Plaque forms instead to prevent leaks.
Coronary Artery Disease
If nutritional deficiency continues, arteries get weaker and plaque builds up.
Coronary Artery Disease
When enough plaque builds up, angina pain or heart attack results.

Reversal of Coronary Artery Disease : How to Remove Plaque From Arteries

Reversal of Coronary Artery Disease
Proper nutrition enables body to produce collagen and to begin repairing damage.
Reversal of Coronary Artery Disease
L-lysine and l-proline bind to free floating Lp(a) molecules in blood to prevent the deposition of more plaque.
Reversal of Coronary Artery Disease
L-lysine and l-proline bind to the Lp(a) molecules in the plaque and transport them to the liver for removal.
Reversal of Coronary Artery Disease
Proper nutrition allows enough collagen production to keep coronary arteries healthy.Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get enough of these heart-healthy nutrients from your diet. Nutritional supplements are needed to help your body repair the damage caused by years of improper nutrition and to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. And that is exactly why we invented The Pauling Therapy.
Removing Plaque From Arteries

The ingredients in the Pauling Therapy are supported by 300 years of scientific/medical research and clinical experience. These studies were published in well-respected, peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals (such as the Journal of the American Medical Association). The Pauling Therapy is not only effective, but has also been proven safe for those on heart medicines such as statins and blood thinners.How to Remove Plaque from Arteries
This information is NOT hidden, but neither is it well-known. And, since nutritional science is not taught in most medical schools, most doctors are not aware of this research. More and more doctors, however, are seeing the results of this nutritional protocol and are whole-heartedly endorsing the Pauling Therapy.
The Cause of Heart Disease
Collagen is the major connective tissue protein fiber in your body. Your blood vessels owe their strength and flexibility to collagen fibers. Without collagen your blood vessels would loose their structural integrity and begin to leak. If fact, this is what happens in Scurvy.
If you suffer from an acute deficiency of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and other nutrients, your body stops producing collagen. Without collagen to repair the inevitable damage from mechanical and oxidative stress, your blood vessels grow weaker and weaker, and you eventually die from scurvy.
If you suffer from a chronic deficiency of Vitamin C (and other nutrients), your body produces collagen that “cannot properly form fibers, resulting in blood-vessel fragility.” [Physicians Desk Reference] Your body, being very efficient, tries to repair the damage with whatever happens to be floating around in the blood stream. The progressive accumulation of plaque deposits on the interior lining of your coronary arteries (arteriosclerosis) is simply your body’s attempt to place patches over the damaged portions of the arteries in order to prevent them from springing a leak. Your coronary arteries are affected the most because, being so close to the heart, they are subject to the greatest mechanical and oxidative stress.
How The Pauling Therapy Works
Once you know the cause of heart disease, the way to control high cholesterol and cure heart disease becomes obvious! Dr. Pauling formulated his high blood pressure remedies based on his knowledge of the nutrients your body needs to produce enough collagen to keep your cardiovascular system healthy, all while keeping in mind that some of these nutrients are very hard to get enough of from the typical American diet. You may have heard that people from other cultures (Asian, French, and Italian) have much lower rates of heart disease. This is because their diets have more of these nutrients.
Dr. Linus Pauling & Dr. Matthias Rath Explain How the Pauling Therapy Works
“Atherosclerosis starts with one or more lesions in the endothelium [lining] of your coronary arteries caused by mechanical and/or oxidative stress. If you are healthy, your body simply repairs the damage by manufacturing and laying down Elastin [a form of collagen] to make your arteries as good as new.
Chronic Nutritional Deficiency
“If your body is suffering from a chronic nutritional deficiency, however, this simple and easy repair job doesn’t get done or it gets done with defective Elastin. Either way the lesions in your endothelium expose lysine binding sites to the blood. The lipo segment of the free floating Lipoprotein(a) molecules, which have lysine residuals attached to it, are deposited at the site of the lesion. The protein segment of the Lp(a) molecules have residuals that encourage both fibrinogen and calcium to adhere to it. This is the etiology [cause] of plaque formation.
A Patch Made of Plaque
“So, in essence, your body forms a patch (much like a scab) over the lesion. Your body should be admired for its ingenuity in fixing the problem. Of course, if your chronic nutritional deficiency continues, these patches need to become more numerous and to grow thicker and thicker in order to do their job of preventing your coronary arteries from springing a leak.
Animals Don’t Get Heart Disease
“Atherosclerosis rarely occurs in animals because most animals can manufacture the nutrients they need to repair damaged coronary arteries. A goat, for example, produces 13,000 mg. of Vitamin C a day in its liver. And those animals who (like us) need to get these nutrients from their diet, eat lots of fresh, raw, nutrient-rich food. Gorillas, for example, get about 4,000 mg. of Vitamin C per day from their diet.
Understanding Cause Leads to Cure
“The beauty of our research is that, once the cause of atherosclerosis is clearly understood as a chronic nutritional deficiency, the prevention and cure of atherosclerosis become obvious.
Proper Nutrition To The Rescue
“The nutrients that are needed to help your body effect repairs to the cardiovascular system are well known. What is not well known are the nutrients that are needed to help your body dissolve the atherosclerotic plaque. Here’s what we know so far:
Lysine’s and Proline’s “Teflon” Properties
“Lp(a) has both l-lysine and l-proline receptors. You can think of a receptor as a simple lock and key. Only one key will fit into a lock (receptor). There may be multiple receptors on the molecule, but once they are all filled up with keys (l-lysine or l-proline) the Lp(a) molecule looses its ability to bind with the lysine / proline binding sites on the damaged artery wall. L-lysine and l-proline, therefore, form a protective ‘Teflon’ layer around the Lp(a) molecules and prevent them from depositing more plaque.
Releasing Plaque From Artery Wall
“Furthermore, when l-lysine and l-proline are combined synergistically with other nutrients and administered in the proper dosages, they competitively interfere with the binding of Lp(a) at the site of the lesion and actually help to release Lp(a) and other atherogenic lipoproteins from the vascular wall.
Profound Health Benefits
“We have witnessed profound health improvements even in patients with a variety of severe heart conditions after using this nutritional protocol. People with severe heart disease who have adopted this nutritional program report relief of their angina-pectoris pain in a short period of time, often as little as 2 weeks.
Prescription Drugs vs The Pauling Therapy
“It is our observation that the Pauling Therapy stands any comparison with prescription drugs in the therapy of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertension, heart failure, as well as for the prevention of diabetic vascular disease and other forms of cardiovascular disease. And, of course, the Pauling Therapy has the long-term benefit of restoring and maintaining cardiovascular integrity, something pharmaceutical drugs can not do.”
“We expect that this research, when accepted by the medical profession and the public at large, will lead to the almost complete eradication of heart disease.”
What is Needed
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get enough of these heart-healthy nutrients from your diet. Nutritional supplements are needed to help your body repair the damage caused by years of improper nutrition and to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
The ingredients in the Pauling Therapy are supported by 300 years of scientific/medical research and clinical experience. These studies were published in well-respected, peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals (such as the Journal of the American Medical Association). The Pauling Therapy is not only effective, but has also been proven safe for those on heart medicines such as statins and blood thinners.
This information is NOT hidden, but neither is it well-known. And, since nutritional science is not taught in most medical schools, most doctors are not aware of this research. More and more doctors, however, are seeing the results of this nutritional protocol and are whole-heartedly endorsing the Pauling Therapy.

The above quotes were taken from the following sources:
Hypothesis: Lipoprotein(a) is a Surrogate for Ascorbate. Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 1990, Vol 87, pgs 6204-6207.
Atherosclerosis: Its Primary Cause is Ascorbate Deficiency Leading to the Deposition of Lipoprotein(a) and Fibrinogen/Fibrin in the Vascular Wall. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1991, Vol 6, pgs 125-134.
Apoprotein(a) is an Adhesive Protein. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1991, Vol 6, pgs 139-143.
A Unified Theory of Human Cardiovascular Disease Leading the Way to the Abolition of this Disease as a Cause for Human Mortality. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 5-15.
Plasmin-induced Proteolysis and the Role of Apoprotein(a), Lysine, and Synthetic Lysine Analogs. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 17-23.
Lipoprotein(a) Reduction by Ascorbate. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 81-82.
Solution to the Puzzle of Human Evolution. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 73-80.
Reducing the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease with Nutritional Supplements. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 153-162.
A New Era in Medicine. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1993, Vol 8, pgs 134-135.
Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks – But People Do: The Discovery that Will Eradicate Heart Disease. Matthias Rath, 1999, Matthias Rath Inc., El Dorado Hills , CA .



Why Don't Doctors Know?

Most people haven't heard about this because there have been no published studies. (No one goes to jail when a cure for a major disease is not evaluated by science.) The Pauling-therapy for heart disease works quickly. Patients have consistently reported symptom relief in ten days or less, even in advanced disease. The effect is rapid and undeniable, thus the reasons that most people haven't heard about this are not based on science, rather malfeasance.
NIH Refuses to Study Pauling/Rath Therapy

The Pauling therapy is simple. Take high doses of two nutrients that are required for life. Doing so can prevent and even cure many forms of cardiovascular and heart disease - in days or weeks. The question becomes how much should one take?

We, under the auspices of the Vitamin C Foundation, submitted two study proposals to the United States National Institutes of Health, (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine. We were inexperienced in submitting such proposals, but the NIH was free to solicit its own studies. Either proposal would have fairly evaluated the Pauling therapy on heart disease.
The 2002 Study Proposal
The 1998 Study Propoasl

These submissions (and subsequent rejections) are a matter of public record.

Probably the main reason that this important discovery has been ignored is economic:Think of more than half the hospitals in your region closing.

With medical science asleep at the switch, we have been promoting and closely monitoring the effect of Pauling's therapy on heart patients for almost twenty years. [10]One thing has become crystal clear: The large doses recommended by Linus Pauling are key to success [11] [12]. Neither nutrient has any known lethal toxic dose in animal or human studies.

The reports have been so amazing that we documented the protocol and success stories in a book Practicing Medicine Without A Licence.

This long-term experience, (initially with dying heart patients who gave up on orthodox medicine and were taking a myriad of heart medications), leaves little doubt that :Cardiovascular (Heart) disease at its root is a vitamin C deficiency. Science can not dispute this assertion because it has never been tested at Pauling's recommended dosages.

So why after all these years and so many reports of success does medical research still have its collective head in the sand? We can only think of one reason:
The method for reversing heart disease invented by Linus Pauling does not require a doctor.

LINK to Pauling's Vit C, L-Lysine and l-proline products

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