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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Some Supplements To Consider

I have posted several of the supplements that I take previously however I think it is good to review them from time to time. Thought I would list some of the supplements I take that you might want to look into:

Pycogenol (Maritime Frech Pine Bark Extract) SEE LINK:


Lower Blood Sugar

High levels of blood sugar are the benchmark indicator for diabetes. Investigators reporting in the March 2004 edition of "Diabetes Care" examined the ability of pycnogenol to lower blood sugar in patients with mild cases of Type 2 diabetes. Prompting the study, in part, were reports from patients supplementing pycnogenol that they had reduced need for insulin. The researchers found that supplementing between 50 and 200 milligrams of pycnogenol significantly reduced blood sugar levels but did not affect the levels of circulating insulin. There was also indication that the structural integrity of blood vessels improved from supplementation.

Vitamin D3 at HIGHER levels than previously recommended:


FEBRUARY 01, 2008 – Hot off the Press, higher intakes of Vitamin D3 can help one reap even more health benefits than was previously known, according to newly published Risk Assessments.
Four nutrition experts, including two Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) scientists and two of the world’s pre-eminent vitamin D researchers, are urging the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) to raise the vitamin D Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) five-fold, based on a safety evaluation of the latest scientific research. This research shows that vitamin D is safe at intake levels much higher than its current UL.
The paper, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) concludes the safety profile of vitamin d should safely permit raising the UL for vitamin D to 250ug (10,000IU) per day from the current UL of 50 ug (2,000IU) per day.

There has been an increased consumer interest in the nutrient following a number of recent studies showing benefits of vitamin D3 associated with levels beyond what is typically provided in a multivitamin and most fortified food.
Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a proposed rule to allow the inclusion of vitamin D in approved calcium and osteoporosis health claims.
New data continues to emerge regarding the health benefits of vitamin D beyond its role in bone health. Vitamin D3 deficiency has been associated with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, neuro-degenerative diseases, osteoporosis, depression, as well as others.
Diabetes Connection

People with both type 1andtype 2diabetes can be deficient of b complex vitamins due to a poor diet or the disease, which causes them to be glucose intolerance allowing their blood sugar levels to rise after eating. The shortages from this supplement can lead to nerve damage in the hands and feet.Research shows that some of the vitamins in this group that are normally reabsorbed in the blood after passing through the kidneys will go straight out in diabetic patients. Some scientific studies show that diabetes patients with type 1 and type 2 who add b-complex to their diet experience less numbness and tingling.

There have been some noted studies that suggest some patients will still developvascular problems even when their blood glucose levels are in good control. Realizing this, research suggests that vitamin B complex supplements could decrease vascular complications in diabetic patients. It has been suggested to take only one per day, every day to get the best results.
The Diabetes-Magnesium Connection
For our blood sugar processing to be normal and healthy, a proper balance of the the two key minerals, magnesium and calcium, must be maintained. Without magnesium, insulin cant do its job to open the cell pathways that allow glucose to enter. When this ratio of magnesium to calcium is disrupted due to magnesium deficiency and high levels of calcium in our diet, our cells become insulin resistant, a condition which leads to diabetes.
In her groundbreaking book, "The Magnesium Miracle", Dr Carolyn Dean, MD, states "If magnesium is in short supply, sugar stays in the blood stream, and as it becomes elevated, symptoms of diabetes appear."
It should be noted that diabetics not only need more magnesium to correct deficiencies that lead to insulin Resistance, but diabetics also tend to loose magnesium through the body's elimination pathways at a higher rate than non-diabetics, presenting a double burden.
In a 1995 article published in the journal Diabetes Care, Dr. Zachary T. Bloomgarden, MD and Endocrinologist, stated: "Studies have shown that 90 percent of individuals with type 2 diabetes have low levels of free intracellular red blood cell magnesium."
Metabolic Syndrome X
Metabolic Syndrome X, a condition which is growing in the US at an alarming rate, is characterized as a single person having multiple major risk factors for heart disease:
- High blood sugar/Insulin resistance
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
Dr. Lawrence M. Resnick, MD, a practicing physician, researcher and professor of medicine at Cornell University Medical College, spent many years researching the role that the magnesium-calcium balance plays in human health. Their studies concluded that as the magnesium levels within cells fall, the calcium levels rise. The resulting magnesium-calcium ratio imbalance effects cells in such a way as to bring on Metabolic Syndrome X.

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