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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Supplements To Help With Lowering Your A1C Level Naturally

I am going to list some foods and supplements and exercises to help you maintain your type 2 diabetes and also to help prevent becoming a type 2 diabetic if you are in a pre-diabetic stage right now.

First of all, some common sense:

Exercise - You do not have to train for a 26 mile marathon, or go to a gym and get into heavy weight training exercises. WALKING on a regular basis (make that every day) will do wonders for your blood sugar. Make sure to do some light stretching along with it and buy a decent comfortable pair of walking shoes. Try to arrange your schedule to do it the same time every day until it becomes a habit and you crave the way it makes you feel and the sense of accomplishment. Start with 15 mins a session and over a two or three week period bump it up to 30 mins and then 45 mins.

SUGAR - Try and eliminate as much hidden sugar and glucose in your diet as you can. Become a label reader. IF you must drink carbonated sodas, realize that some 16 ounce Pepsi, Coke, Root Beer etc. contain up to 60 plus grams of sugar. Diet is better in that respect, however both regular and diet sodas will change the PH of your interstitial fluid that bathes your cells and wreck havoc with your PH which should be slightly alkaline and not acid. (SEE the labels on this blog concerning interstitial fluid and why it matters).

EMPTY CARBS - Get off the empty nutrition carbs, cakes, pies, puddings, baked goods, cookies, digestives, white bread, etc. READ LABELS / AVOID the crunchy/munchy isle of your grocery store and stay away from pretzels, potato chips, corn chips, bagged snack food of any kind

WATER - drink more of it.

Here are some proven supplements to help with blood sugar readings:


Natural supplements for diabetes treatment, herbal productsBefore you embark on ingesting supplements, have a discussion with your health care provider to see if they are appropriate for you. If you doctor is not familiar with these herbs and nutrients, you may recommend he or she read this information. If you plan to take supplements for your diabetes, keep your dosages low and start with one or two rather than a whole bunch at one time. Over time you can gradually add more supplements as you become familiar on how they make you feel or influence your blood sugar.
Alpha lipoic acid is one if the most important nutrients to consider for diabetes. Alpha Lipoic acid has been evaluated for blood sugar control, and it may also be considered in diabetic neuropathy and kidney disease. A dose of 10 to 50 mg two or three times a week appears to be appropriate.
Stevia is a no calorie natural sweetener and a wonderful alternative to artificial sweeteners. all diabetics should learn about it. Stevia is a substitute not only for artificial sweeteners, but also for sugar.
Fish oils maintain healthy blood flow, especially in the microcirculation and may increase levels of a hormone called adiponectin that's linked to insulin sensitivity. PLoS One. 2012. Marine N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes in Asians: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Carnitine can reduce oxidative stress in diabetic patients.
Carnosine is a potent antioxidant and should be considered two or three times a week.
Banaba has been used in the Philippines for the treatment of diabetes.Benfotiamine is a lipid soluble form of thiamine. Preliminary human studies indicate that benfotiamine may be helpful in diabetic neuropathy and to reduce microvascular damage from high blood sugar.
Cinnamon -- 1 to 5 grams daily improves sugar levels and reduces blood lipids (one small study)
Fenugreek is an herb that helps support healthy blood sugar levels.
Acetylcarnitine is a promising treatment for diabetic neuropathy, usually at a dose of 100 to 400 mg daily.
improves the function of endothelial cells lining blood vessels and may slightly help with blood sugar control.  A dose of 20 to 60 mg a day with breakfast
Psyllium half or one teaspoon in a glass of water twice daily with food. Or three capsules twice daily with a meal. Psyllium can lower cholesterol levels.

Cayenne pepper at 5 grams a day was shown in one human study to help keep blood sugar levels lower.
Multivitamins and minerals should be considered daily, they may reduce the risk for infections.
Natural Vitamin C with bioflavonoidsz
Chromium increases insulin sensitivity and binding, also increases number of insulin receptors.
Magnesium may help lower blood pressure in those with diabetes. Getting enough magnesium in your diet could help reduce the risk of getting this blood sugar management disease. People who consumed the most magnesium in foods and from vitamin supplements were about half as likely to develop this disease over the next 20 years as people who took in the least of the mineral. Diabetes Care, published online August 31, 2010. Supplements of this mineral improve insulin sensitivity. Dietary sources of magnesium include green, leafy vegetables, meats, starches, grains and nuts, and milk. Many adults do not meet the RDA for magnesium (320 mg per day for women and 420 mg per day for men). 

Vanadium Vanadyl sulfate mineral
Flavonoids could be quite helpful
Natural Vitamin E complex at a dose of 20 to 200 mg a few times a week.
Aloe vera gel has been found to be helpful in rodents with diabetes.
Spirulina is a superfood
Astragalus may be helpful in diabetic nephropathy.
Whey protein - 
For people with type 2 diabetes, adding whey to high-carbohydrate meals stimulates insulin release and reduces spikes in blood glucose levels after meals.
Ginkgo biloba can improve blood flow, particularly retinal capillary blood flow rate in type 2 diabetic patients with retinopathy.

God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the suggestions for curing diabetes. They were really very effective.
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